
Berandette is releasing her latest novel, Four Sorrowful Mysteries, May 12, 2018,
Les Editions Laskin vous invitent à venir célébrer le lancement du tout dernier roman de Bernadette Griffin, intitulé Four Sorrowful Mysteries.
de 14 h à 17 h, le samedi 12 mai 2018
Maison de la culture de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
3755, rue Botrel, Montréal
15 h - Lecture de l’auteur
Rafraichissements et festivites - Soyez des notres!
Laskin Publishing invites you to celebrate the launch of Bernadette Griffin’s new novel, Four Sorrowful Mysteries.
2-5pm, Saturday, May 12, 2018
Maison de la culture de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
3755, Botrel Street, Montreal
3pm Author Reading
Refreshments and festivities - join us!
Bernadette will be a panelist at the Morrin Centre, November 18, 2017, 2pm.
Whether they lived here or merely visited, Quebec City has been the setting for works by some of the great English-language authors. Our Writings' panel discussions, featuring modern-day Quebec City writers, will examine these authors, while the panelists will discuss their experiences and the places in our magnificent city which inspired them.
2 p.m.: Quebec as a Setting / Quebec en toile de fond
Moderator / Animatrice : Raquel Fletcher
Panel members / Conférenciers :
- George Elliott Clarke
- Bernadette Griffin
- Patrick Donovan

Canine Confessions receives an Honourable Mention in the General Fiction category of the New England Book Festival!

Bernadette Griffin renders a dog's-eye view more vividly than most writers render a human's. I will never forget Daisy, and you will never forget Canine Confessions.
- Ian McGillis, Literary Critic
The Gazette (Montreal)
- Quebec Writers' Federation/Paragraph Books -
2013 Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction - New England Book Festival
Canine Confessions
Montreal in the 1970s. The Vietnam War is still sparking controversy. The second tide of feminism washes in on women as Daisy, a flaxen-haired cocker spaniel, recounts in touching, albeit humorous, detail, the story of her life as it intersects with her humans.
Through Daisy, we meet Harry and Monique, their three children, and significant others, and experience all of the turmoil swirling around them, to which she is the all-seeing witness. This inadvertently makes her the repository of family secrets and unspoken intimacies to which she is privy. She is also the parallel intelligence commenting on the plight and predicaments of her owners, not to mention her own life journey.
Daisy's non-human perspective in a human world, so colourfully expressed in her dreams, touches on the new consciousness emerging in all parts of the planet – humans and their relationship to their primal selves and to the natural world in all of its manifestations. Music and singing also find their way into this novel; singing being older than speech itself, the universal tongue used by birds, frogs and crickets; the sensuous activity that rolls body, mind and spirit into one.
Canadian Distributor: Red Tuque Books
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